
viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

English optative-grammar:
Lesson 3
Exercise A
Works                         finishes
Studies                        goes
Watches                     speaks

Exercise  b
He lives in mexico                                                 he doesn´t eat meat
He doesn´t in Mexico                                           he eats salads

We live in Ireland                                                 he watches TV in the evening
We don´t live in Spain                                          he doesn´t watch TV in the morning

Exercise c
Does            does
Do               do
Do              do

Exercise  d
Do you live in london ?                                                          does he like dogs?
Does tommy play golf?                                                          Do you like films
Do you  speak any foreign languages?                               Does he drinks coffe?
Do you watch tv?
Does tommy listeng to the radio?

Lesson 4
Exercices :
He Likes coffe
He doesn´t like films
He loves his job
He hate fish
He love his holidays
He doesn´t golf

1 feel
2  not understand
3 prefer
4 think
5 hate
6 dislike
7 don´t know

1 they often eat italian food
2 they sometimes watch tv
3 they always get up early
4 they never feel unhappy 
5 they hardly ever travel abroad
6 they usually go for a walk on sunday
7 they rarely take taxis

They never go to school
He don´t play tennis very well
She smokes a lot
He do work very hard
We not eat meat
My parents usually arrive late

Lesson 6
0 what are you doing?
1I finishing my homework
2 how are you sister traveling to work every day?
3 she taking the bus?
4 what do you eating?
5 an apple. It ´s delicious! i loving apples.
6 look! It snowing
7 it snowing every year in my country
8 what joanna doing?
9 i thinking she´s an actress, but she working in a restaurant this month.

Get up
´m play

I go sleep at 23.00 old the days
What are you doing? i´m teacher
It´s raining an other..always raining in november
I´m thinking?
Harly ever don´t remember the umbrella
I have clases of quimica trhee time at week
What are jonh doing?that clean the car

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